maix27 结论不符合你心意就是“装理中客拉偏架”呗。这种帽子到处都在扔,看来如今我也收到了。
https://rust-for-linux.com/rust-kernel-policy> The "RUST" subsystem maintains certain core facilities as well as some APIs that do not have other maintainers. However, it does not maintain all the Rust code in the kernel — it would not scale.
> Nevertheless, the team can be approached for help if needed — indeed, the intention has always been to build a mixed team of people that could help across the kernel to bootstrap Rust.
> Eventually, the "RUST" subsystem could also act as "fallback maintainers" for Rust code too, similar to how akpm serves as a last resort maintainer.
> However, exceptionally, for Rust, a subsystem may allow to temporarily break Rust code. The intention is to facilitate friendly adoption of Rust in a subsystem without introducing a burden to existing maintainers who may be working on urgent fixes for the C side. The breakage should nevertheless be fixed as soon as possible, ideally before the breakage reaches Linus.
你做 C 的 breaking change ,也允许临时破坏 Rust 构建。
> 人家后端同意你在(前端)驱动里拉屎,人家不同意在 DMA 里拉屎,够不够清楚?
写驱动要用 DMA ,你一万个不同意,就因为你 hate Rust 。这下下游没法干了,你这是合作的态度?
> 好,请问你现在能告诉我 Rust 进 Linux 项目多久吗? Linux 项目发起多久了?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rust_for_Linuxhttps://fosdem.org/2025/events/attachments/fosdem-2025-6507-rust-for-linux/slides/236835/2025-02-0_iwSaMYM.pdf一批关键维护者,Google, Arm, Microsoft, Red Hat 等公司支持 Rust for Linux ,不然你以为 Linus 为什么推得动 Rust for Linux 进主线?人家内部斗争闹着玩呢?