[CONT from above reply]
But if you have kids, then that 36K left is barely enough unless you take public services (CPE, primary school, etc.) for everything for them. Then it's going to be a lot cheaper, but quality varies.
If you ever want to give your kids some serious hobbies and a private school, well, forget about your hobbies, vacations and such. You need another 10-20K every year just for a private school -- and I'm not talking about the boarding schools -- they are not for you, they are for the super riches.
The most important thing is -- DO NOT HAVE KIDS, once you have kids everything doubles.
Let me take Montreal as an example. It's definitely a LCOL/MCOL city in North America, but you could compare it to some cities in China if you so wish:
(Everything in CAD)
It's a bit different in North America. But if you want a semi-detached or a detached for a family, 800K can probably cover everything including house and renovation, as long as you do not want to live in the best cities/boroughs. So that's about 150K down payment and say 100K for a good renovation -> 250K in cash.
Your monthly mortgage payment varies depending on the rate. Let's say a 4%, 25y plan on 550K, that's about 2.9K monthly.
Don't forget about tax! You need to pay municipal tax and school tax, I don't really know how much because it varies wildly. But let's take 1%, assuming no change in evaluation (isn't true, city always try to get a higher evaluation for more tax), so that's 8K a year.
You also need to throw in a bit of $ for home insurance. So let's say 3K monthly in total just to round it down a bit.
Rates on cars are really high right now, so better just buy it with cash. Let's say a 50K car, and maybe $100 monthly for insurance. There are also registration fee and license fee but let's ignore them for now.
So for vehicle and house you need 300K in case, and 3.1K for monthly payment. Taking in the 8K tax for house, that's about 45K annually. Throw in $200 monthly for gas, that reaches 47K.
Depending where you are going. If you camp in a national/provincial park, it's not a lot of money. Maybe gas + a couple of hundreds for reservation, and an initial investment of maybe $1000 for good quality equipment (or you can just buy used, which is a lot cheaper), But if you want to fly to somewhere to have a lot of luxury, expect some thousands then. I have no idea what you want, buy I'd go with camping or hiking most of the time. Let's say 8K every year. Now your annual expenditure reaches 55K.
下班能有消遣(虽然不知道什么消遣,可能是去贵一点的餐厅吃饭,开车去兜风吧),或者能玩一些大点的东西,以前看别人能玩车改装之类的,现在到自己工作发现轮胎都不便宜..... 虽然买个便宜摩托放在城市交界处,可因为禁摩每个月能玩个两三次。
Hobbies are expensive, man. I don't know. It could range from a few hundreds to a few hundreds of thousands. My hobby is writing code, which is basically free. But I think 15K a year is VERY luxurious for a hobby. This chunk of money can buy you a lot of model trains, electronics and such. So let's take 15K. Now you need to spend 70K a year.
OK I didn't include food and clothes. I buy clothes and shoes from Costco so it's negligible. But let's say 1K for clothes and shoes every year (like, why do you need new shoes and clothes every year? Anyway, maybe you just want), and 12K for food every year (for a family of 2, $1000 per month can buy you a lot of food. You don't need to cook very often).
83K is the final amount. Let's throw in another 7K just for other stuffs -- for example, you need to get a new roof every 15 years, and getting one cost you some 10K-20K depending on the quality, so let's spread the cost into every year. So 90K.
Roughly speaking, if both of you earn 100K before tax, that's good enough. Both of you can contribute 10K to RRSP, and the bureau takes another 27K, so you have roughly 63K left. That's 126K for the family. And you still have 36K left in cash. You won't get any tax return but you don't need them anyway. I might be wrong about the amount of tax though so consult your accountant.