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2023-04-28 18:18:48 +08:00
回复了 yuhuanxi 创建的主题 程序员 大环境好转,工作机会多起来了吗?
@mushuanl 你倒是挺乐观的。即使是 OpenAI 的 GPT 在大部分领域也没法用呢, 国产 AI 在算法,算力和数据都不行的情况下,能不能搞出来都说不上呢。
2023-04-21 14:13:46 +08:00
回复了 shakeit 创建的主题 程序员 怎么设置大部分流量走有线, 部分流量走无线?
我整了个 hyper-v 虚拟机,连的 wifi 网卡,配置了 socks5 代理。浏览器用代理插件设置规则分流。
2023-04-21 13:51:32 +08:00
回复了 ltltfuture 创建的主题 iPhone iOS 如果加入了侧载
@lucifer9 抖音流行了,就可以 iOS 不允许也能点击链接就安装了?

允许侧载就是愿意放弃 app store ,允许任意不合规 app 在 iOS 上任意安装?
允许侧载就是允许 app store 的 app 任意引导用户去别的地方侧载?
允许侧载就是允许侧载安装的 app 拥有 app store 的 app 没有的权限?

2023-04-21 12:33:18 +08:00
回复了 ltltfuture 创建的主题 iPhone iOS 如果加入了侧载
@Moeyua 哪里有那么简单?当年厂商要花多少钱给 andriod 预装一个 app?雇了多少地推在线下手把手给人装 app? 何况你怎么知道 apple 会允许这么简单的侧载?为什么不是需要 PC/MAC 的同步工具才能侧载?
2023-04-21 08:39:36 +08:00
回复了 ltltfuture 创建的主题 iPhone iOS 如果加入了侧载
@Moeyua 我认为你多虑了。除非预装第三方的 app store ,在有官方 app store 的情况下,很难引导用户去别去下载应用。让用户下载一个 app 的成本是非常高的。 国内的 Andriod 的问题是没有官方 App store 造成的,即使是国内 Andriod ,有多少人会从本机自带的 app store 以外下载?
2023-04-20 11:19:30 +08:00
回复了 ltltfuture 创建的主题 iPhone iOS 如果加入了侧载
说想用侧载去用安卓的,是忽视了安卓官方 app store 在国内不能访问的现实。国外安卓用户大多也不用侧载,都老老实实用谷歌的 app store 。
2023-04-20 11:14:31 +08:00
回复了 ltltfuture 创建的主题 iPhone iOS 如果加入了侧载
@cherbim iOS 在国内这方面的优势是有个可以访问的官方 app store 吧。
2023-04-14 12:58:07 +08:00
回复了 opentrade 创建的主题 程序员 过去 30 天惊心动魄
还有苹果推出了新颜色的 iPhone13
2023-04-06 14:31:08 +08:00
回复了 andyskaura 创建的主题 问与答 VirMach 跑路了?
纯正 https, http2 代理吧。部署也非常简单。
2023-04-03 11:50:57 +08:00
回复了 DongDongProMax 创建的主题 问与答 有一台闲置笔记本,可以用来做什么?可以分享一下吗
卖二手,然后拿钱买个 NUC 之类的小主机,比笔记本方便。
@taogen 不背单词是不可能的,最终英语能力取决于单词量。


可以坚持每天读挑几篇 NYT 上感兴趣的文章读,背所有遇到的不认识的单词!!!当有一天你读半个小时 NYT ,只遇到 5-10 个生词,你大概就有 8000-10000 以上的词汇量了。
接下来也许可以挑战一下福尔摩斯,同样的方法。当有一天你读半个小时福尔摩斯,只有 10 个生词,估计就有 15000+词汇量了。
Advanced C1


恕我直言,大部分英文小说和 The economist 不是一个难度的。The economist10000 词汇量就能看懂 95%以上,阅读正常英文小说没有 15000-20000 以上词汇量是感觉不到任何乐趣的。
2023-03-28 09:17:17 +08:00
回复了 binbinjp0915 创建的主题 程序员 chatgpt 进不来还是不进来?OpenAI 为啥不允许中国 IP 注册
问了下 claude
Some key reasons OpenAI is not releasing GPT-3 or ChatGPT in China:

Political concerns: There are tensions between US and China on AI and technology. Releasing powerful AI models in China could be seen as strengthening China's AI capabilities relative to the US.
Censorship and surveillance: China has broad censorship and surveillance laws. There are concerns that GPT-3 or ChatGPT could be used or altered to aid censorship or surveillance, which OpenAI does not want to enable.
Lack of oversight: There is less transparency and oversight around AI use in China. OpenAI has expressed a goal of careful, regulated development of AI, and the Chinese context may not allow for that.
IP and commercial concerns: There are also intellectual property and commercial concerns about releasing OpenAI's models and code in China without sufficient controls in place. OpenAI likely wants to retain control over how its systems are used.

Overall, there are a number of political, regulatory, and ethical concerns holding OpenAI back from releasing powerful AI models like GPT-3 and ChatGPT in China. They aim for careful oversight of these technologies, which may not be feasible in the Chinese context. Of course, China could still develop its own systems with similar capabilities.
2023-03-28 09:07:42 +08:00
回复了 binbinjp0915 创建的主题 程序员 chatgpt 进不来还是不进来?OpenAI 为啥不允许中国 IP 注册
听听 Bard 的看法
There are a few reasons why OpenAI doesn't provide ChatGPT service to China.

First, China has a strict censorship policy, and OpenAI would need to comply with this in order to operate in the country. This could mean that ChatGPT would be limited in what it could say or do, which would defeat the purpose of the service.

Second, China has a strong domestic tech industry, and OpenAI would face stiff competition from Chinese companies that are already offering similar services.

Third, OpenAI is a US-based company, and there are currently tensions between the US and China. This could make it difficult for OpenAI to do business in China.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to provide ChatGPT service to China is up to OpenAI. However, there are a number of factors that they would need to consider before making a decision.

接着我又问,why not Iran either ?

OpenAI has not publicly stated why it does not provide ChatGPT service to Iran. However, it is likely that the company is concerned about the potential for its technology to be used for censorship or surveillance in Iran.

2023-03-09 13:30:35 +08:00
回复了 wanglufei 创建的主题 问与答 有什么上班摸鱼背单词的桌面工具吗
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