This is the first semi-public but not-really-public beta of Bear 2 for both Mac and iOS. Please backup your notes (see instructions earlier ⬆️), then test, try, and bang on basically everything, including:
Stuff that’s planned for our final release but isn’t ready for beta testing just yet:
macOS Info Column (the panel can become a 4th column) integration History navigation buttons Editor preferences Theme and icons preferences New illustrations across the app
102errors 2023-03-22 10:03:43 +08:00
表示已经是 Obsidian 的形状了
f2ck 2023-03-25 14:49:28 +08:00
又是订阅制,更新又那么慢,纵观 2.0 ,相比 1.0 提升了什么东西,一个表格?开发一个表格花了 2,3 年的时间?牛逼 plus ,obsidian 不香么?
NiceTry 2023-04-30 03:54:02 +08:00
一个表格能做三年,MathJax 排了四年还遥遥无期
Hucci 2023-05-09 08:53:59 +08:00
想当初我还为了个同步功能订阅了几年 pro ,现在同步已经成笔记工具的标配了吧。