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2023-08-11 12:20:16 +08:00
回复了 3x1415926535 创建的主题 iPhone iphone8 的钉子户怎么这么多
还在用 16 年的机器,除了支付宝淘宝外都挺流畅
现在创表的时候默认得带上 utf8mb4

曾经用 c++和 mysql5.7 造了个文章记录系统,平常用的还好,有一次复制了一些 emoji ,后端程序挂了
2023-08-02 10:26:52 +08:00
回复了 tasselyue 创建的主题 问与答 今年是怎么回事?我们该怎么办?

2023-07-30 19:01:33 +08:00
回复了 fengwq 创建的主题 云修电脑 空调导致电脑黑屏的原因探究
2023-07-28 09:41:32 +08:00
回复了 youx 创建的主题 宽带症候群 固定宽带 合同协议应该写清楚 详细
2023-07-17 10:59:44 +08:00
回复了 kisshere 创建的主题 程序员 目前有哪些现象证据表明宇宙就是一台高性能的大电脑?
> In quantum key distribution, what kind of the particle that actualy using?

In quantum key distribution (QKD), the particles used to encode and transmit information are typically individual photons, which are the fundamental particles of light.

QKD involves encoding information into the quantum states of individual photons and then transmitting these photons over a communication channel, such as an optical fiber or free space. The information is then decoded by measuring the quantum states of the photons using specialized detectors.

Because any attempt to intercept or measure the photons will inevitably disturb their quantum states, QKD can be used to detect the presence of eavesdroppers. This allows for the creation of a secure communication channel over which cryptographic keys can be exchanged without the risk of interception or hacking.

> can you give me some examples about quantum entanglement?

Sure, here are a few examples of quantum entanglement:

Photon pairs: One of the most well-known examples of entanglement involves pairs of photons. When two photons are created together, such as in a process called spontaneous parametric down-conversion, they can become entangled. This means that if you measure the polarization of one photon, the polarization of the other photon is instantly determined, even if the two photons are separated by a great distance.

Electron spins: Another example of entanglement involves the spins of electrons. If two electrons are in an entangled state, measuring the spin of one electron will determine the spin of the other electron, even if the two electrons are far apart.

Superconducting qubits: Entanglement is also a key feature of many quantum computing systems, such as superconducting qubits. When two qubits are entangled, they become linked in a way that allows them to perform certain computations that would be impossible with classical bits.

Quantum teleportation: Entanglement is also used in a process called quantum teleportation, which allows quantum states to be transferred from one location to another without physically moving the particles that carry the information. In this process, entanglement is used to "teleport" the state of one particle to another entangled particle, even if the two particles are far apart.

> Can you explain what is Quantum teleportation?

Quantum teleportation is a process that allows the quantum state of one particle to be transferred to another particle, even if the two particles are separated by a great distance. This process is made possible by the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, which allows two particles to be linked in a way that their states are correlated even when they are far apart.

The process of quantum teleportation involves three particles: the original particle whose state is to be teleported (let's call it particle A), a second particle that is already entangled with a third particle (let's call them particles B and C, respectively), and a communication channel to transmit information between the two locations.

Here's how the process works:

Particle A is entangled with particle B, which means that the two particles share a correlated quantum state.

A joint measurement is performed on particles A and B, which destroys their entanglement and generates some classical information.

The classical information obtained from the joint measurement is transmitted to the location of particle C.

Based on the information received, a quantum operation is performed on particle C, which transforms it into a replica of particle A.

When the transformation is complete, particle C is now in the same quantum state as particle A was before the joint measurement in step 2.

It's important to note that this process does not involve the physical transfer of the original particle A to the location of particle C. Instead, it relies on the transfer of classical information to enable the remote creation of a replica of particle A at the location of particle C.

Quantum teleportation has important implications for quantum communication and quantum computing, as it allows for the secure transfer of quantum information over long distances.

> Does it allows to transfer something faster than light?

No, quantum teleportation does not allow for faster-than-light communication or transfer of information. The transfer of information in quantum teleportation is limited by the speed of light, as classical information must be transmitted between the two locations to allow for the remote creation of a replica of the original particle.

In the process of quantum teleportation, the quantum state of the original particle is destroyed during the joint measurement of particles A and B, and the state is not transmitted faster than the speed of light to the location of particle C. Instead, the information obtained from the measurement is used to create a replica of the original state at the location of particle C, which is limited by the speed of light.

While quantum entanglement may seem to involve instantaneous action at a distance, it does not violate the principle of causality or allow for faster-than-light communication. The correlation between entangled particles is a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics, and it is not possible to use entanglement to transmit information faster than the speed of light.

> Is possible to transfer someting faster thant light?

According to our current understanding of physics, it is not possible to transfer information faster than the speed of light. This is due to the fundamental principles of relativity, which state that the speed of light is an absolute speed limit that cannot be exceeded.

The speed of light is a fundamental constant of nature, and it plays a critical role in many areas of physics, including electromagnetism, special relativity, and quantum mechanics. This means that any attempt to transfer information faster than the speed of light would violate the laws of physics as we currently understand them.

There have been some proposals for theoretical mechanisms that might allow for faster-than-light communication, such as wormholes or quantum entanglement. However, these proposals are highly speculative and have not been verified by experimental evidence.

In summary, while it is tempting to imagine ways to circumvent the speed of light limit, it appears that the laws of physics as we currently understand them do not allow for the transfer of information faster than the speed of light.

2023-07-17 10:47:25 +08:00
回复了 kisshere 创建的主题 程序员 目前有哪些现象证据表明宇宙就是一台高性能的大电脑?
2023-07-17 10:47:00 +08:00
回复了 kisshere 创建的主题 程序员 目前有哪些现象证据表明宇宙就是一台高性能的大电脑?

2023-07-17 10:42:19 +08:00
回复了 kisshere 创建的主题 程序员 目前有哪些现象证据表明宇宙就是一台高性能的大电脑?


量子纠缠原理类似于一个点 S ,产生了两个在某些方面相同状态的粒子(比如两个物理状态同样的小球,他两个以同样大小但方向相反的作用力导致了他们的相撞,然后以相同的初速和加速度互相以反方向移动)




2023-07-15 14:06:10 +08:00
回复了 thinkm 创建的主题 程序员 为什么中午只需要小眯 20 分钟左右就非常爽?
2023-07-13 09:21:37 +08:00
回复了 zx9481 创建的主题 Java 请问如何实现 http 请求防止篡改呢
2023-07-13 09:19:14 +08:00
回复了 zx9481 创建的主题 Java 请问如何实现 http 请求防止篡改呢
@leaflxh 不过可以每隔几分钟跳一个验证码来检测是否挂机,最后接上 OCR 或者打码平台.....
2023-07-13 09:18:18 +08:00
回复了 zx9481 创建的主题 Java 请问如何实现 http 请求防止篡改呢
当初研究过超星学习通,每分钟发送心跳包,内容包括当前的进度,并附上 md5(请求参数 1+请求参数 2+...)算的签名防改参数。然后服务端根据心跳包的发送时间来检测是否快进或者拖动进度条。

没什么卵用,该自动化还是能自动化,大不了上 selenium 自动挂机
2023-07-12 02:08:22 +08:00
回复了 Luckysunnny 创建的主题 Android 安卓没挂梯但是收到了 telegram 消息推送
2023-07-10 13:01:17 +08:00
回复了 ppbaozi 创建的主题 宽带症候群 2023 年了还有人抗拒 ipv6
当初 b 站视频源开了 ipv6 但速度只有几百 kbps 的时候我内心在骂国内搞的这些东西都是应付形式,直到知道 GitHub 到现在还不支持 ipv6 ,直接不抱幻想了, 天下乌鸦一般黑
2023-07-10 12:58:03 +08:00
回复了 ppbaozi 创建的主题 宽带症候群 2023 年了还有人抗拒 ipv6
点名 GitHub 和 Docker registry

搞了台 ipv6 only 的机器 clone/pull 不了东西太乐了
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