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blue2008 最近回复了
@heijiahei 测试了。同样的,也存在数据大量缺失的情况出现。
22 天前
回复了 fyxtc 创建的主题 程序员 电子税务局 APP,是怎么做成这么烂的?
能说吗? SH
公积金 APP ,政务类的 APP ,首屈一指。
但是现在不能用了,只能用随申办,low 了不止一个重量级
23 天前
回复了 qviqvi 创建的主题 iPhone 有替代 simbox 的多卡待机解决方案吗?
For more information on what data is included in an iMazing backup, please refer to this guide:

Since iOS 9, Apple has removed the ability to export apps as .ipa. This means your apps are no longer stored in your backup, whether you use iTunes or iMazing. The backup only contains your app data.

If the app has been removed from the App Store and is no longer available for download, then there's no way for iMazing to transfer the app from one device to another or from a backup of a device. iMazing can only install the app if you already have the .ipa file, and if it's no longer available on the App Store, then there's no way for us to get the .ipa file for you.

This is what happens when you restore an app backup:
1. Your app data is restored
2. The app itself is downloaded from the App Store

Unfortunately, if the app is no longer available in the App Store, then the app data restore cannot finish.

If you would like to know more about why Apple removed the possibility of extracting applications, have a look at our blog article:

iMazing is capable of backing up third-party application data, but I’m afraid that we cannot tell you specifically which apps do or don’t back up their app data. This depends entirely on whether an app’s developer has decided to allow all, a part, or none of the app data to be backed up.

Again, we are unable to confirm that the apps you are interested in exporting from will work this way. This is up to the app developers.

If you'd like to restore your app's data, here's how you can do it:
补充:搞迁移,不得不把 iPhone12 也升到 iOS 18 了。。
26 天前
回复了 billlee999 创建的主题 iPhone 新旧 iPhone 的数据转移真是折磨...
@paradoxs 我所谓的受不了,是指在尝试各种方式的时候,耗时太长,且无法达到预期。
@zhandouji2023 有线也 1:1 不了
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