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2023-03-30 11:38:49 +08:00
回复了 licolnlee886 创建的主题 macOS 彻底删除 rosseta
@chendy 有人就是想运行的软件都是原生通用没有一款软件是转义的
同时,我发现音乐的 app 在没有卸载 rosseta 的时候,会有个 x86 的 VisualizerService 和一个 VisualizerService 通用的衍生程序在运行,当卸载 rosseta 后,只有 VisualizerService<apple> 和 音乐在运行,所以 判断当有 rosseta 的时候软件会优先使用转义的软件配合使用
2023-03-30 11:28:34 +08:00
回复了 licolnlee886 创建的主题 macOS 彻底删除 rosseta
2023-03-29 13:12:46 +08:00
回复了 Ayanokouji 创建的主题 Apple apple watch 电池健康
首发 s8 99%--》 99%
2023-03-22 15:07:19 +08:00
回复了 unt 创建的主题  WATCH 如何最大可能发挥 apple watch 的作用
徒步的 gps 导航我觉得是最大的功能,就是徒步 7 个小时电池就没电了
2023-03-20 15:11:52 +08:00
回复了 a66243766 创建的主题 macOS 两个怎么都删不掉的唤醒事件
@yinxianwei 感谢不是这个 这个已经回答里的操作已经做过了,而且在每次唤醒的时候外界显示器也会跟着一亮一暗很烦人
2023-03-18 11:04:20 +08:00
回复了 dzdh 创建的主题 Apple 某多多上的大学生订阅 music 的靠谱么
2023-03-17 11:25:01 +08:00
回复了 a66243766 创建的主题 macOS 两个怎么都删不掉的唤醒事件
@yinxianwei 这个是黑苹果,m1 可以做这样的操作吗
2023-03-16 12:45:20 +08:00
回复了 maogang39 创建的主题 Apple Apple ID 支付方式 二验
2023-03-16 10:18:31 +08:00
回复了 Chenhe 创建的主题 MacBook Pro m1 关不掉的小憩休眠时疯狂耗电
@Chenhe 这是我昨天把插排电源关闭,只连着显示器的 db2c 蓝牙关闭 ,磁吸口拔掉,拓展坞拔掉,后的结果

2023-03-16 00:56:19 +0800 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Clamshell Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:83%) 5677 secs
2023-03-16 02:30:56 +0800 DarkWake DarkWake from Deep Idle [CDN] : due to AOP.OutboxNotEmpty spu_queue_overflow_ep42/ Using BATT (Charge:83%) 38 secs
2023-03-16 02:31:34 +0800 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:83%) 5665 secs
2023-03-16 04:05:59 +0800 DarkWake DarkWake from Deep Idle [CDN] : due to AOP.OutboxNotEmpty spu_queue_overflow_ep42/ Using BATT (Charge:83%) 10 secs
2023-03-16 04:06:09 +0800 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:82%) 5676 secs
2023-03-16 05:40:45 +0800 DarkWake DarkWake from Deep Idle [CDN] : due to AOP.OutboxNotEmpty spu_queue_overflow_ep42/ Using BATT (Charge:82%) 12 secs
2023-03-16 05:40:57 +0800 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:81%) 1550 secs
2023-03-16 06:06:47 +0800 DarkWake DarkWake from Deep Idle [CDN] : due to NUB.SPMISw3IRQ nub-spmi0.0x02 rtc/Maintenance Using BATT (Charge:81%) 8 secs
2023-03-16 06:06:55 +0800 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:81%) 5661 secs
2023-03-16 07:41:16 +0800 DarkWake DarkWake from Deep Idle [CDN] : due to AOP.OutboxNotEmpty spu_queue_overflow_ep42/ Using BATT (Charge:81%) 13 secs
2023-03-16 07:41:29 +0800 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:80%) 5667 secs
2023-03-16 09:15:56 +0800 DarkWake DarkWake from Deep Idle [CDN] : due to AOP.OutboxNotEmpty spu_queue_overflow_ep42/ Using BATT (Charge:80%) 15 secs
2023-03-16 09:16:11 +0800 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:79%) 3182 secs
2023-03-16 10:09:13 +0800 Wake Wake from Deep Idle [CDNVA] : due to SMC.OutboxNotEmpty smc.70070000 lid/HID Activity Using BATT (Charge:79%
2023-03-16 00:52:09 +08:00
回复了 Chenhe 创建的主题 MacBook Pro m1 关不掉的小憩休眠时疯狂耗电
另外纠正下 standby 和 hibernatemode op 好像理解错了,只有 hibernatemode 25 时候才会写入硬盘内存断电,硬盘休眠

standby causes kernel power management to automatically hibernate a machine after it has slept for a specified time period. This saves power while asleep. This setting defaults to
ON for supported hardware. The setting standby will be visible in pmset -g if the feature is supported on this machine.

standbydelayhigh and standbydelaylow specify the delay, in seconds, before writing the hibernation image to disk and powering off memory for Standby. standbydelayhigh is used when
the remaining battery capacity is above highstandbythreshold , and standbydelaylow is used when the remaining battery capacity is below highstandbythreshold.

highstandbythreshold has a default value of 50 percent.

autopoweroff is enabled by default on supported platforms as an implementation of Lot 6 to the European Energy-related Products Directive. After sleeping for <autopoweroffdelay>
seconds, the system will write a hibernation image and go into a lower power chipset sleep. Wakeups from this state will take longer than wakeups from regular sleep.

autopoweroffdelay specifies the delay, in seconds, before entering autopoweroff mode.

但是 arm 之后 standbydelayhigh standbydelaylow 又不支持设置,这个 m1 的电脑真的是一地稀碎
2023-03-16 00:39:12 +08:00
回复了 Chenhe 创建的主题 MacBook Pro m1 关不掉的小憩休眠时疯狂耗电
2023-03-16 00:35:52 +08:00
回复了 a66243766 创建的主题 macOS 两个怎么都删不掉的唤醒事件
@lty980321 大佬怎么搞 本来我都想放弃了 没想到还是看到生机
2023-03-16 00:35:18 +08:00
回复了 a66243766 创建的主题 macOS 两个怎么都删不掉的唤醒事件
@feel5230 大佬我 append 了最新的测试情况,发现费电以上的唤醒事件好像都不受影响,实际上是当充电器磁吸插头 magicsafe3 断电源连在本子上的时候会产生大量 due to SMC.OutboxNotEmpty smc.70070000 wifibt wlan WLC_E_TKO ARPT ( 280s/darwake )
2023-03-16 00:21:46 +08:00
回复了 Chenhe 创建的主题 MacBook Pro m1 关不掉的小憩休眠时疯狂耗电
I:due to SMC.OutboxNotEmpty smc.70070000 wifibt wlan WLC_E_TKO ARPT/ Using AC
II:due to AOP.OutboxNotEmpty spu_queue_overflow_ep42/ Using BATT


这时候电脑接着显示器的 A:视频线( dp1.4 to c ),B:拓展坞(贝尔金),C:充电器磁吸插头 magicsafe3 ,D:蓝牙无线网开启

情境一:ABCD 全连着 I 和 II 都存在,一晚上掉电 15%
情境二:ACD 全连着 I 和 II 都存在,一晚上掉电 12%
情境三:CD 全连着 I 大量存在( 280s/darwake ),II 少量存在,一晚上掉电 10%
情境四:ABD 全连着 I 少量存在,II 少量存在,一晚上掉电 5%
情境五:C 连着 I 大量存在( 280s/darwake ),II 少量存在,一晚上掉电 9%
情境六:D 连着 I 不存在,II 少量存在( 5660s/darwake ),一晚上掉电 2%
情境六:全不连着,II 少量存在( 5660s/darwake ),一晚上掉电 2%

我的综上:这样我还设置远程总闸干啥?我弄的目的就是为了一键可以关闭插排的电源然电脑 /显示器全部断电,这样电脑只需要盒盖就行,但是当充电器磁吸插头 magicsafe3 断电源连在本子上的时候会产生大量 I ( 280s/darwake ),这样我必须把连接的设备全部拔掉,设置总闸当初就是以为外设不通电就不会产生 io ,实际上设置总闸没有意义,电源断掉了,还是要拔掉线才行,最大的疑问就是《当充电器磁吸插头 magicsafe3 断电源连在本子上的时候会产生大量 I ( 280s/darwake )》。

不知道你们看到这个 testdata 有什么总结?
2023-03-15 23:56:55 +08:00
回复了 Chenhe 创建的主题 MacBook Pro m1 关不掉的小憩休眠时疯狂耗电
@eunrui 一样我和你一摸一样
2023-03-07 20:42:14 +08:00
回复了 Davic1 创建的主题 Alfred 有现成的豆瓣 workflow?吗
我已经把 rosetta 卸载了,电脑的软件全是 通用芯片的,我刚才做了一下 arm64 的适配,
2023-03-07 19:21:43 +08:00
回复了 sipt 创建的主题 Alfred 写了个 Alfred Workflow Store,可以搜索&一键安装 Workflow
问下 op 项目是怎么 打包的 alfred 可用的文件的 看源码没有相关的
2023-03-07 10:27:24 +08:00
回复了 a66243766 创建的主题 macOS 两个怎么都删不掉的唤醒事件
@feel5230 另外我上传下日志大佬办看下这个唤醒是怎么回事 电池一晚上 80%==》 66%

due to AOP.OutboxNotEmpty spu_queue_overflow_ep42

基本上睡眠 5000s 就会唤醒一次

2023-03-06 23:52:07 +0800 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Clamshell Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:81%) 189 secs
2023-03-06 23:55:16 +0800 DarkWake DarkWake from Deep Idle [CDN] : due to NUB.SPMISw3IRQ nub-spmi0.0x02 rtc/Maintenance Using BATT (Charge:81%) 45 secs
2023-03-06 23:56:01 +0800 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:81%) 233 secs
2023-03-06 23:59:54 +0800 DarkWake DarkWake from Deep Idle [CDN] : due to SMC.OutboxNotEmpty smc.70070000 wifibt bluetooth-pcie/ Using BATT (Charge:81%) 45 secs
2023-03-07 00:00:39 +0800 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:81%) 5675 secs
2023-03-07 01:35:14 +0800 DarkWake DarkWake from Deep Idle [CDN] : due to AOP.OutboxNotEmpty spu_queue_overflow_ep42/ Using BATT (Charge:81%) 45 secs
2023-03-07 01:35:59 +0800 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:81%) 5681 secs
2023-03-07 03:10:40 +0800 DarkWake DarkWake from Deep Idle [CDN] : due to AOP.OutboxNotEmpty spu_queue_overflow_ep42/ Using BATT (Charge:81%) 45 secs
2023-03-07 03:11:25 +0800 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:79%) 5670 secs
2023-03-07 04:45:55 +0800 DarkWake DarkWake from Deep Idle [CDN] : due to AOP.OutboxNotEmpty spu_queue_overflow_ep42/ Using BATT (Charge:79%) 45 secs
2023-03-07 04:46:40 +0800 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:76%) 5669 secs
2023-03-07 06:21:09 +0800 DarkWake DarkWake from Deep Idle [CDN] : due to AOP.OutboxNotEmpty spu_queue_overflow_ep42/ Using BATT (Charge:76%) 45 secs
2023-03-07 06:21:54 +0800 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:74%) 5676 secs
2023-03-07 07:56:30 +0800 DarkWake DarkWake from Deep Idle [CDN] : due to AOP.OutboxNotEmpty spu_queue_overflow_ep42/ Using BATT (Charge:74%) 45 secs
2023-03-07 07:57:15 +0800 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:72%) 661 secs
2023-03-07 08:08:16 +0800 DarkWake DarkWake from Deep Idle [CDN] : due to NUB.SPMISw3IRQ nub-spmi0.0x02 rtc/Maintenance Using BATT (Charge:72%) 45 secs
2023-03-07 08:09:01 +0800 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:71%) 5673 secs
2023-03-07 09:43:34 +0800 DarkWake DarkWake from Deep Idle [CDN] : due to AOP.OutboxNotEmpty spu_queue_overflow_ep42/ Using BATT (Charge:71%) 45 secs
2023-03-07 09:44:19 +0800 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Maintenance Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using Batt (Charge:69%) 2231 secs
2023-03-07 10:21:30 +0800 Wake Wake from Deep Idle [CDNVA] : due to SMC.OutboxNotEmpty smc.70070000 smc.70200000 USB-C_plug/Notification Using AC (Charge:68%) 4 secs
2023-03-07 10:21:34 +0800 Sleep Entering DarkWake state due to 'Clamshell Sleep':TCPKeepAlive=active Using AC (Charge:68%) 29 secs
2023-03-07 10:22:03 +0800 Wake DarkWake to FullWake from Deep Idle [CDNVA] : due to UserActivity Assertion Using AC (Charge:68%)
2023-03-06 23:29:49 +08:00
回复了 a66243766 创建的主题 macOS 两个怎么都删不掉的唤醒事件
@feel5230 大佬真专业啊,能不能分享排查思路,通过上面的两个事件就能定位到具体的守护进程,和原因
2023-03-06 13:03:32 +08:00
回复了 a66243766 创建的主题 macOS 两个怎么都删不掉的唤醒事件
@zhouweiluan 是的 基本上没有什么有效的答案
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