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2022-12-25 09:20:19 +08:00
回复了 movq 创建的主题 Apple master 鼠标能不能取代妙控板

2022-12-21 08:44:27 +08:00
回复了 pwrliang 创建的主题 macOS MBP 插着电源却在消耗电池,有人遇到过吗?
2022-12-20 13:17:27 +08:00
回复了 zhuwd 创建的主题 音乐 如果只能选一个, Apple Music 还是 Spotify?
跟设备没关系,我用 Android 一样用 AM 的。电脑常年 macOS [Linux 那个捣着玩的,日用嘛。肯定可以,但我肯定没必要浪费那么多时间(?)]
2022-12-20 13:15:05 +08:00
回复了 zhuwd 创建的主题 音乐 如果只能选一个, Apple Music 还是 Spotify?
AM ,主要避开国内 app 的会员,能上传自己的文件 [用过 mp3 和 iPod 的人表示不储存就痒痒] 。换区算了(除非是为了听梅兰芳等老人家就有必要换区,美区真的有梅兰芳的录音)。

要是说不保存文件,那建议 SP 。

对我来说,SP 没法存储文件,严重依赖在线服务。不一定每时每刻都联网。
怀疑挖矿,赶紧掐掉 SSH ,由受害者支付电费和网费。设备废了是小问题,但是个人安全是大问题。
2022-12-19 23:39:27 +08:00
回复了 mmr 创建的主题 Android 关于华为 P30 解锁 BL 并刷原生安卓。
至于 CTS ,如果不想红色,就不要 root 。谷歌已经抛弃 safetynet ,并改用云控方案。

回退 EMUI9 有个风险,某些驱动会丢失。
2022-12-19 23:36:28 +08:00
回复了 mmr 创建的主题 Android 关于华为 P30 解锁 BL 并刷原生安卓。
我目前用的是小米 6 ,改了 8G 运存(因为 4G 真的很吃力,Android 11 会卡顿)。那时候一加 5 系列价格还下不来,还不如直接改运存。 [米 6 的通病是按键排线脆弱,很容易坏。其他方面没什么问题] ; 835 的话,买一加 5 然后刷机,不想刷机就买 Pixel 2 (没 XL 的,有 XL 的是垃圾 LG 屏幕而且容易坏)。835 除了索尼的镜子和老钉子户,其他手机的价格都下来了。

运存建议上满,顶配是哪就上到哪。845 顶配 10G ,855 顶配 12G ,865 顶配 16G ,后面的已经有 20G 了。
2022-12-19 23:28:39 +08:00
回复了 mmr 创建的主题 Android 关于华为 P30 解锁 BL 并刷原生安卓。
本人告诉你,麒麟机器刷这个还不如换高通机器。骁龙 835 已经是最低高通阵营日用最低配了(这个处理器之前的机器就别买了,又热又卡又耗电),没钱就买 pixel 2 (有钱就买一加 5/5T 再刷机),835 机器我还刷了 android 13 。⬅️虽然很多开发者早就不做这个了,但仍然有人默默坚守。

我刷过 950 的 P9 、Honor 8 ( 4+64 ),960 的 P10 ,970 的 mate 10 ;只有 honor 8 是 Lineage OS 出了包才完全适配 [最后一个有专用刷机包的 P20 系列已经不更新了]
其他机型都是用 phh 的 GSI 上,问题在于参差不齐,很多驱动没办法补 [Root 简直是登天一样难] 。不想浪费这些时间适配。狗屎一样的,比三星还难受。
2022-12-08 23:14:10 +08:00
回复了 amanbolatbalabek 创建的主题 程序员 老外在中国生活了 15 年后润回去了
I believe many people despise HX people and T&&&&& people. Why do they all want to be i#############? HX(in the past, before 1997) and T#####have their own advantages.Relations with the West cannot be said to be without flaws. But at least some advantages can be absorbed. Different "技工贸" and "贸工技" ,the former uses "technology to promote the development of trade", while the latter uses "trade to promote the development of technology".How many times have history said that people have selfish desires? Suppose you make money, will you still think about developing technology? Certainly not, must be thinking about how to make more money.

The answer from Zhihu's question "Why do programmers depreciate more and more as they get older?": Because there is no compilation. Many people call Shiyigong, but is it true that the older you get, the more popular you are? The teachers of New Oriental Learning and Thinking outside the system, who are capable until the age of 30, are all high-spirited. The government's temporary workers do dirty work the same as civil servants, but if the temporary workers can't work anymore, they should be unemployed or still have to be unemployed. Doctors in private hospitals, except for a few high-level ones, were laid off if their profitability did not meet expectations. The most important thing about teachers and doctors is actually the establishment, not their profession. The establishment means that your destiny is bound to the big car of the country, rather than a company that collapses at any time, so the stability is greatly enhanced. As long as you have a budget, the older you are, the more popular you become. In our state-owned enterprise, there are only a few post-90s code farmers, most of whom are over 30 and 40 years old, and there is even a small leader who is nearly 60 years old and close to retirement. Coders, they don't have a midlife crisis. But as long as you don't have the guarantee of the national establishment, most of the professions will get worse as you get older, and even programmers can be regarded as one of the good professions outside the system.

There is a self-mockery of a Chinese programmer: it is 2022 in a blink of an eye.
About 17 years ago, I drew charts by hand, and the GD library drew dotted lines, curves, columns, and pie charts. Do you want it now?
About 16 years ago, I unpacked it by myself to understand the structure of eml, doc, xls (not docx, xlsx), package and send the report. Do you want it now?
About 15 years ago, I also worked on front-end miscellaneous. Due to the difficulty of choosing extjs, jquery, mootools, etc., I built a set of native js libraries, and then encapsulated a complete set of UI libraries such as Tab, list, tree, form, and calendar. . Do you want it now?
About 14 years ago, I was ignorant and hadn’t heard of Map/Reduce, Hadoop. I used fork+pipe+ssh to do a pseudo-distributed log analysis and statistics program for multiple machines and multiple processes. Uh~ multi-processes just don’t want to waste the multi-core CPU of the server. Do you want it now?
...You may want to say: "Talk is cheap, show me the code." Those sporadic bits and pieces above are still there, but I really can't get them out. There is a private web framework that started in 2004 and took shape in 2009. Oh, let me tell you, all these years, it's just toss around CRUD (addition, deletion, modification, query). Do you think you want it?

Don't look at me as an old man, I can still write Vue/React Oh, I'm also selling myself as a performer, do you think you want it?

I'm a wild programmer, and I can't produce that piece of paper to prove myself; the experience is still a bit telling, but I only explain it to the headhunter, and immediately end it politely-after all, my ability is not high enough to bypass the employer's HR. A while ago, a headhunter asked me if I knew a person in charge of a certain department. I used to work in the same company. I said I knew him but he might not remember me. Little people like me, who cares.

At the age of 30, I changed to a small unit in a second-tier city, and stood out among the crowd of undergraduates and masters. Although he is a so-called technical director, what can he supervise? In fact, he is still a handyman. Maybe one day the boss will figure it out and feel that there is really no need to support such a team (I have also persuaded me to do so), then this should be my last official job.

In the future, I will no longer be able to work part-time... Except for the age of 35, I am not representative, and I should not answer this question. What is the use of saying these? It's just Mrs. Xianglin's nagging.

One wrote about the current situation in China: very disrespectful to technical personnel (not only in the computer industry, but also in other science and engineering industries). Graduated at the age of 35, the general environment is like this. manifestation of poverty. Can only pursue material things. No conditions or no spiritual pursuit. Because domestic programmers have been brainwashed by Baidu and CSDN, big cows rely on bragging to show their faces, and programmers who have the feeling of liberating productivity are extremely rare...

Intellectual property rights are very secondary to the relationship between supply and demand. If it is all for money, there will be no cross-platform universal and ecologically powerful vscode. There are problems with leading manufacturers and open source suppliers. For example, although HBuilder is open source, it has not supported Linux for many years and has long been abandoned by individuals. China's basic software market is
Short, flat, fast.

In addition to a bunch of app, back-end, front-end, and low-tech work.

There are basically no ones who can write compilers, operating systems, graphics processing software, file processing software, video processing software, cad, and eda.

Mainly our education is biased towards test-taking.
English has become the three main subjects alongside Chinese and mathematics. Mathematics should be pushed hard, but the compilation of college mathematics textbooks is terrible.

All industries with high software requirements are basically mathematics, but is our university mathematics taught to people?

How much money has Microsoft spent on vscode? This thing is a huge investment and requires high technical staff. There is no short-term profit (maybe 5 to 10 years), and users are very picky (see if ordinary editors can catch your eye). Unless you have as much money as Microsoft and enough technology accumulation as Microsoft, you really Can't afford it.
2022-12-08 14:06:51 +08:00
回复了 amanbolatbalabek 创建的主题 程序员 老外在中国生活了 15 年后润回去了
Why don't watch the BBC when using Google and GitHub?Say it many times, selectively, don't pass it inside the wall.Is that really hard to do?What's it like to go to jail instead of die?It's not stupid to know you're carrying contraband without making a choice.Some of the comments in the comments section are the same as those online commentators, commuters, and self-employed people.

I don't know why many people deliberately avoid historical politics and don't want to understand it.Always afraid to poke at something.
2022-12-08 12:59:49 +08:00
回复了 amanbolatbalabek 创建的主题 程序员 老外在中国生活了 15 年后润回去了
There is a voting advertisement in Russia, which means don’t just vote for the Russian ##########t P####,It is undeniable that some Yellow Russian (Russian:Желтороссия )have been brainwashed.

The Russians themselves have long been afraid that, what else to say.
2022-12-08 12:22:42 +08:00
回复了 amanbolatbalabek 创建的主题 程序员 老外在中国生活了 15 年后润回去了
Unblocking has nothing to do with @@, it was paid for by many innocent lives and some violent means. Still the same sentence: no one can do wrong. When authority makes mistakes, the question is whether anyone dares to point it out. If it becomes like Putin (two people in a meeting, but a 10-meter table); it will be very scary.

Some of my relatives live in Hong Kong, distant relatives, who are very old. She fled to Hong Kong during World War II and never came back. When I went to Hong Kong once, I went to her house and talked for a long time. The final conclusion is: the "Pearl of the Orient" is no longer, and has completely declined. Many messes have not been resolved, but have become more and more rotten, like a rotten cabbage.

I also have Taiwanese people I know because common topic when chatting. His parents are Taishang. Their family lives in Suzhou, they have four villas in Suzhou and two ordinary houses in Taipei. 今年他们家的业务损失惨重,明年撤出大陆回台,然后移民美国。有一天他给我发了很多东西,还打电话过来和我聊。He did not blindly praise Taiwan, but also pointed out some problems facing Taiwan.

I also know a Hebei native living in Beijing,He said he lives under high pressure every day,social software is hardly opened, and emails and phone calls are also unresponsive.I know why, but there's nothing I can do.My brother is studying for a Ph.D. at Tsinghua University. He originally went home this summer vacation, but later he was afraid to go home because of the health code problem. Once the pop-up window appears, it is impossible to enter Beijing. The procedures for applying for leave are cumbersome and very difficult.

2022-12-08 01:56:22 +08:00
回复了 amanbolatbalabek 创建的主题 程序员 老外在中国生活了 15 年后润回去了
The Epoch Times, I dare not say how. Although it is made of wheels, some things can still be seen. Not something that's completely unwatchable.

A book called the Nine Commentaries on the C********** ***** was published by them, as well as a collection of essays titled "The Devil Is Dominating Our World".

I only watched that anthology.For me, it's a different angle to look at the problem.

China's media is non-profit, which means the government will definitely control speech,The outside media is a profit system. To put it bluntly, it is to collect money to do things.The biggest difference is between CNN and Fox.读不出任何区别就要重学英语四六级。


如果明知道墙内不给发,然而偏要发出来。那是 250 。做事情是要付出代价的。

忘记回复 wsj 那位,我只是说我的意见,还有一些事实。因为东西实在是太多了,不可能分多次写。所以干脆一次能写多少就写多少。刷屏没办法了。另:op 选错地方发帖,导致评论区变成吵闹不休的市场一样。

这帖子又一次浮了上来,md 快快下沉吧。
2022-12-07 22:59:11 +08:00
回复了 amanbolatbalabek 创建的主题 程序员 老外在中国生活了 15 年后润回去了

2022-12-07 22:56:24 +08:00
回复了 amanbolatbalabek 创建的主题 程序员 老外在中国生活了 15 年后润回去了
贵州 27 人,乌鲁木齐 10 人,没核酸检测的孕妇导致流产,兰州的小孩发高烧不让去医院(最后人没了)。如果这都不是命,那我只能说这是利己主义者。程序员用谷歌那么久,难道连 BBC 等这些都完全不看的吗?

2022-12-07 22:45:09 +08:00
回复了 amanbolatbalabek 创建的主题 程序员 老外在中国生活了 15 年后润回去了

评论区有些人没搞清楚问题就怼和骂,看不懂或选择性失明我可没办法了。还在强调清零二字的走远点(是不是真的很想一夜回到 70 年前啊)

Never wake those who pretend to be asleep,no one can't help it.

这个帖子回复到此为止,再见! This is my last for this post. Bye.
2022-12-07 22:37:29 +08:00
回复了 amanbolatbalabek 创建的主题 程序员 老外在中国生活了 15 年后润回去了
2022-12-07 22:29:52 +08:00
回复了 amanbolatbalabek 创建的主题 程序员 老外在中国生活了 15 年后润回去了
Have I ever said, "Believe all the West"?
Think about it in head. It's definitely wrong.What is true and what is false,anyone with a brain will know.

Some Chinese always believe ########ent and $####.结果到最后,铁拳砸下来才知道疼。“你怎么知道#拳下一个砸的是不是你,这跟本没法预测的”。I say that because I read a lot of historical politics books.我肯定挨过拳,“上海的三个月”。我同学有武汉人,说实话,这个是永远不能抹去和忘记的(留下极大的心理阴影)
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