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Apple 回收 DTK 改成给$500,而且有效期延长到年底

  •   Xusually · 2021-02-06 12:54:43 +08:00 · 1082 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1338 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    刚收到邮件。200 美元改成 500 美元,可以用来购买 M1 的 Mac (有效期到年底)。 如果你已经买了 M1 的 Mac,可以用来购买别的 Apple 产品(但是这里提到购买的产品要有助于开发。。。。sigh...)。

    Thanks again for participating in the Universal App Quick Start Program.

    We heard your feedback regarding the 200 USD appreciation credit mentioned in our last email. Our intention was to recognize the tremendous effort that you have put into creating amazing universal apps. By partnering with us early, you showed your commitment to our platform and a willingness to be trailblazers.

    So instead of the 200 USD credit that expires in May, we are giving you a 500 USD Apple credit and extending the time you can use it to get a new M1 Mac through the end of the year. If you already purchased a new M1 Mac, the Apple credit gives you the flexibility to purchase any Apple product to help with your app development work.

    We’ll share details soon about how to ship the Developer Transition Kit (DTK) back to Apple. Note that the DTK will no longer receive publicly available software updates after macOS Big Sur 11.2. We encourage you to return it as soon as possible so that your development work is not interrupted. And once you return the DTK, you'll receive your Apple credit.

    Thank you again for making the Mac with M1 launch such a great success.

    Best regards, Apple Developer Relations

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