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V2EX  ›  酷工作


  •   caiyihan7 · 2019-07-09 18:45:49 +08:00 · 1561 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1991 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Micron Technology ’ s mNAND Shanghai team is developing UFS which are used as storage in various field including flagship mobile phone and automotive car. We are providing the world-beating solutions which will develop high quality engineering product, utilizing the latest tools, techniques, and in a tightly-knit team based environment. Our validation team is focusing on testing these managedNAND products which incorporated advanced FW and HW change. We strive for a highly productive and enjoyable working environment! It is a priority for us to provide a rich and nurturing environment where everybody in the team can contribute and grow their skills and knowledge.

    - In-depth study of product requirement, JEDEC spec, NAND datasheets and FW design document, define test strategy, develop test plans for full coverage.

    - Translating the plan into executable tests utilizing industry standard and internally developed test tools and platforms (Simulator, FPGA, HW test platform)

    - Work in sync with FW to design test cases according to different maturity levels of FW, validate the quality of firmware work you're doing at different stages. Analyze test result. Triage, isolate and close the issues.

    - Analyze customer reported issues, study customer usage model and make effort to improve validation coverage.

    - Improve test methodology to shorten validation cycle time at later product stage and ensure no coverage escape.

    - Support project techinical leader to define requirement of future products

    - Define HW/SW test tools, bring up and evaluate the tools usability on testing products. Checkout every HW/SW changes on the tools. Report and follow up issues regarding tool bug.

    - Expertise in the use of Python, C, scripting languages, programming tools and environments

    - Extensive experience with typical tests systems used in the storage industry, such as in SSD, HDD, UFS, eMMC or embedded storage systems or a related technology

    - Understanding of storage interfaces including UFS, eMMC is an additional advantage

    - Experience with advanced NAND flash and other non-volatile storage is a plus

    - Experience of working in a sophisticated technology company

    - Experienced with lab tools: LA, OSC, TRACE

    - Effective Chinese and English oral and written communication skills.

    - Ability to balance short-notice requests and regular work

    - Able to work parallel with multiple tasks

    - Continuous study and perform constantly

    - BS/MS in Electronics Engineering/Computer Science with relative working experience

    - Fresh graduate with coding/testing experience

    简历可投 [email protected]
    2 条回复    2019-08-21 17:43:48 +08:00
       2019-07-10 00:49:00 +08:00
       2019-08-21 17:43:48 +08:00
    钱多,30-50 万,福利好,不加班
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