Fullerton Financial Holdings (FFH) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited, an investment company based in Singapore.
Shanghai Fullerton Management Consultancy Co., Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of FFH and based in Shanghai.
Fullerton Financial Holdings (FFH) is exploring Fintech market in Shanghai in 2018 and welcome potential candidates to join us and contribute to our new business.
Target of the Fintech business:
To build a lean, agile development and rapid experimentation Fintech organization in China to allow us to catch up with the opportunity in Fintech market by participating in the world class Fintech market.
后端 Java 开发的要求不复杂,良好的 Java 开发基础,熟悉 Spring 技术栈,有独立分析问题解决问题的能力。
[产品经理] 20k-36k / 经验 3-5 年 / 本科及以上
[高级 Java 工程师] 20k-36k / 经验 3-5 年 / 本科及以上
简历投递地址: qikaihua@digilink-tech.com