cpu 其实还还可以,从频率参数来看应该就是:
3.6 对应 Intel Core i3-8100 @ 3.60GHz 4 核 4 线程
3.2 对应 Intel Core i5-8500 @ 3.00GHz 6 核 6 线程
3.0 对应 Intel Core i7-8700 @ 3.20GHz 6 核 12 线程
这个对比笔记本八代带 H 的 U 应该强一些。cpu mark:
i7-8700 对比 Intel Core i9-8950HK=14,620 比 15,140
要知道 8700k 也才 15,970
如果还可以自己装硬盘,那无疑这是不想要屏幕的 mac 中史上最强工作机
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zhuangku556 2018-10-31 16:47:08 +08:00
硬盘我从官网的图片来看不行,我也觉得不错,用来试水 mac 的好选择,性能不足还能外接 egpu,挺好的。 |
Nxdvd 2018-10-31 16:57:03 +08:00 via iPhone ![]() 以下是 AppleInsider 关于 Mac mini 2018 的答疑,可以解决 V2 中的大部分疑惑 :
Frequently asked questions about the 2018 Mac mini RAM, storage, and more What are the ports? One Gigabit Ethernet or 10-Gig Ethernet port depending on configuration at time of purchase, four 40 gigabit per second Thunderbolt 3 ports which can also be used as 10 gigabit per second USB 3.1 type C generation 2 ports, a HDMI 2.0 port capable of 5K, a pair of USB 3.0 type A ports, and a headphone jack -- note that this is not a microphone port as well. Four Thunderbolt 3 ports! Does that mean I can have four 5K displays? Nope. It appears that the four ports are on one controller. Practically, this means that a user can have two displays with 4096 x 2304 resolution at 60Hz connected via Thunderbolt 3, plus one display with 4096 x 2160 resolution at 60Hz connected via HDMI 2.0. Alternatively, the user can have one display with 5120 x 2880 resolution at 60Hz connected via Thunderbolt 3 plus one display with 409 x 2160 resolution at 60Hz connected with the HDMI 2.0 port. Of course, you could always hang an external GPU off of it and have loads of displays. Is the RAM user-expandable? Yes. The slots are SO-DIMM slots, and are mostly accessible to the user. In conversations with Apple corporate employees, we've been told that users with a "modicum of skill" can get to the pair of RAM slots. SO-DIMM slots on the left SO-DIMM slots on the left AppleInsider isn't going to recommend this for all users just now because of the remark, and the current lack of clarity. But, we will be examining what it takes to get to the slots as soon as we can. If I buy my own RAM, what do I need? Apple says that the new Mac mini uses 2666MHZ DDR4 SO-DIMM RAM. Specifically, it looks like DDR-4 PC4-21300, non-ECC unbuffered RAM. On Crucial.com today, a 16GB kit is $146, with a 32GB kit at $292. RAM is a commodity, and pricing can vary greatly day-to-day, so if you've found this post a long time after the October 30 reveal, the prices may be higher or lower. This is not additive. You'll have to pull out the RAM you bought with the machine. Keep it handy, though. If you need warranty repair, you'll have to put it back in before Apple will look at it. Is the internal drive accessible to the user? No. It is not a slotted M.2 drive, nor SATA. Buy what you need for internal storage when you get the machine. Realize, though, that it has four 40Gbit/sec Thunderbolt 3 ports, so consider external storage. A USB 3.1 type-C generation 1 enclosure for a SATA SSD is about $20 from Amazon. One that can take two drives and is USB 3.1 type-C generation 2 is about $60. We'll be talking about options for truly ridiculous storage for the new machines before not too long. Why, though? This seems dumb. The storage in the Mac mini is PCI-E storage, with Apple claiming that the drive has sequential read speed of up to four times faster than the previous model, with a peak of 3.4 gigabytes per second. A SATA drive is limited to about 550 Megabytes per second read, about one-sixth the speed. Standard M.2 drives are faster than that, of course, but still not up to the 3.4 gigabytes per second. Use cases vary, of course. What works for one user very well is overkill for another. Speaking of overkill... LOL, $4200 is too much for a Mac mini! Yes, the highest configuration for a Mac mini is $4200. However, a large portion of that is expensive SSD. If you're the kind of AppleInsider reader that "needs" a $4200 Mac mini, then you're also the kind of user that buys their own RAM, and will get an external enclosure and pack it full of your own drives. Is the processor upgradeable? No. We've been told that the processors are all soldered and not socketed. Get the fastest one you can afford. ... this also seems dumb. For a small segment of Apple's users. it isn't optimal, but it isn't dumb. Apple's choices in how they design machines -- including processor mounting -- has dramatically cut down on the service rates in just a handful of years. But, like we said before, more on this later. As a reminder, just because there have been machines that can take a CPU upgrade by the truly adventurous, like the 5,1 Mac Pro and now the iMac Pro, that doesn't make it a good idea for everybody. Apple has only very rarely explicitly allowed CPU upgrades, and even then, it was in days of yore. Can I use the USB-C iPad Pro as an external monitor for the Mac mini? This is more about the iPro than the Mac mini, but let's address it anyway. You can't plug in a USB-C to USB-C cable with no other software to do so at present, no. USB-C to DisplayPort or HDMI is a specific "alternate mode" negotiation, and it would require additional software at a minimum and hardware more likely in the iPad Pro to allow this. There are always software options like Duet Display that benefits greatly from a high-speed wired connection like USB-C will provide, or wireless solutions like AstroPad's Luna Display, though to do this. That stack of Mac minis looks sweet, how does it work? First of all, there's nothing truly new there. There are no fancy interconnects, or special connectors that Apple used or released on Tuesday. At the New York event, Apple had a stack of Mac minis, cranking away on a problem that is easily broken into chunks -- called embarrassingly parallel -- with compatible software. Not every task can be broken up like this, nor will stacking five Mac minis give you any inherent advantage on day-to-day tasks. |
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ililu 2018-10-31 16:57:36 +08:00
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WinG 2018-10-31 16:59:21 +08:00 via Android
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1002xin 2018-10-31 17:24:12 +08:00 ![]() 所以这东西买的时候除了内存,其他都在预算内配到最高就行,再配个 eGPU 用起来就舒服多了
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YzSama 2018-10-31 17:31:02 +08:00 via iPhone
内存条本身也不便宜。64g 算起来估计也要 4000+
3d3ec7a 2018-10-31 18:10:02 +08:00
如果是螺丝拆机 & 稍微拆开一点就能装内存还好.
要是塑料卡扣要小心撬开 & 一拆到底才能装内存那就. 说到硬盘的话, 反正是个台式机, 不行咱数据盘外接呗.. |
kitawa 2018-10-31 18:14:26 +08:00
littlewing 2018-10-31 19:24:39 +08:00
@WinG 不如神船
trepwq 2018-10-31 19:33:23 +08:00 via iPhone
cpu 硬盘不能换,内存可以,cpu 应该是 8x00b 焊主板上的
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westoy 2018-10-31 19:36:15 +08:00
这么看 mac mini 里唯一不能换内存的 14 版很有收藏价值啊.......
newbieRenew 2018-10-31 20:44:16 +08:00
雷电口外接 SSD,不过都没有苹果自带的快
yescpu OP @newbieRenew 外界总感觉不是个事儿 还占用雷电带宽
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lesteryu 2018-10-31 23:06:11 +08:00 via iPhone
如果这 Mac mini 只有两根内存插槽的话... 想自己加到 64GB 的价钱么……单根 32GB DDR4-2666 SO-DIMM 内存哪儿能买了解一下....
mydns 2018-10-31 23:10:21 +08:00
regwoo 2018-10-31 23:27:21 +08:00
@lesteryu 海淘联想 thinkpad P52,定制 128G 的机型,就有 4 根 32G 的内存了。thinkpad 四根拆下来换上个 8G 的卖掉,然后两根 32G 卖给其他 mini 用户。计划通。
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lesteryu 2018-11-01 01:39:16 +08:00
@regwoo P52 用的是 2400 的,2666 的单根 32G SO-DIMM 貌似目前只有 Samsung 有...
demoslam 2018-11-01 01:44:03 +08:00
SSD 不可换 苹果 SSD 的定价也是猛 就怕用户自己升级 SSD 没利润了
regwoo 2018-11-01 01:58:24 +08:00
P52 定制页面也说全部内存是 2400 P52 官方文档说的是主板设计限制之类的导致内存只能运行在 2400 有人港版 8G 的 P52 拆出来是 2666 的镁光内存条 所以我倾向认为联想上了 2666 的内存但是主板限制 2400,至于这个 32G 的内存条没见过有人开箱过。 5 月才发布的 32G 2666 单条,和联想 9 月开放 128G 选配的时间点也稍微符合。 https://www.samsung.com/semiconductor/cn/insights/news-events/the-industrys-first-32gb-ddr4-sodimm/ |
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chengxiao 2018-11-01 07:57:09 +08:00
感觉买个最低配就可以了 +内存 扩展桌面硬盘就可以了
这 i3 是桌面 U 啊 比 MBP 的低压 U 不知道高到哪里去了 |
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viator42 2018-11-01 09:31:30 +08:00
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haogefeifei 2018-11-01 09:45:31 +08:00
@viator42 不能,有 T2 芯片的机器都不行
yescpu OP |
zcstc2003 2018-11-02 14:51:26 +08:00
内存上什么牌子的 2666 笔记本内存?