When you quit Fusion, Bluetooth devices, such as a keyboard or mouse, might disconnect from the host. Sometimes, the devices automatically reconnect.
This issue is resolved.
When a MacBook Pro machine has both an integrated GPU and a discrete GPU and you power on a Windows 8.1 or above virtual machine configured to Use High Performance Graphics for 3D Applications Only, the machine switches to the high performance discrete GPU. This switch leads to more battery consumption.
This issue is resolved.
Virtual machines configured to use NAT networking sometimes lose the network connection.
This issue is resolved.
snail1126 2018-08-16 10:03:11 +08:00
周末从 10.12 直接升到 10.13.6,大多数软件正常,独独 VMWare 挂了,一直提示莫名其妙的错误,无奈重装之后发现 NAT 获取不到地址,居然真特么是个 bug