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[深圳]美图全球产品创新团队-基础设施工程师(AWS 运维方向)

  •   mingyang · 2017-12-24 17:34:58 +08:00 · 1686 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2478 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    基础设施工程师( AWS 运维方向)

    地点:深圳;月薪范围:20K-35K ;市场:美洲、欧洲、印度等

    我们是美图全球产品创新团队,这是一个全栈的初创式团队,目前 15 人左右分布在深圳,美国和巴西 。我们专注在 2 个图片产品的商业模式和功能创新,并服务超过 7 千万的移动设备。用户主要来自美洲,欧洲和印度。

    我们崇尚硅谷+中国的创业文化,成员多有国际背景和创业经历,也包括 CMU、UA、北航的 CS 毕业生,真格学院( by 真格基金)的创业伙伴等。我们相信技术驱动,我们诚邀优秀的相信美的你加入美图,加入全球产品创新团队。


    • 基于 AWS 设计,构建,维护和规划核心的基础设施,来弹性地支撑快速发展的业务
    • 使用最新 Dev-ops 实践搭建管理、监控和报警平台等
    • 处理生产环境的问题排查和故障处理(少量 on-call )
    • 改进代码发布的流程
    • 完善操作手册


    • 精通 AWS 或对标云平台( GCP,阿里云等)
    • 熟悉 Linux/Unix 操作系统,熟悉 Git
    • 熟练掌握至少一门服务端语言( Python/Go/Node/PHP )
    • 对分布式系统感兴趣,并且理解如何搭建现代化的 Web 应用
    • 能够快速交付并且快速迭代你所负责的项目
    • 熟练的英文技术文档阅读和书写能力,一定的专业领域口语能力
    • 计算机科学或相关学位毕业

    We are Global Product Innovation Group at Meitu. It is a full-stack and startup driven team with around 15 people (US, Shenzhen and Brazil). We challenge ourselves on business model and product innovation with 2 photo apps and serve over 70M devices. Users are mainly from Americas, Europe and India.

    We like the culture combined with Silicon Valley and China. The team members are all with international background or startup experience including CS graduates from CMU, UA, Beihang as well as entrepreneur from Zhen College (by ZhenFund). We believe in tech driven and sincerely invite you who believes in BEAUTY to join Meitu and Global Product Innovation Group.


    • Design, build, maintain and plan on core infrastructure based on AWS to support scaling business
    • Follow Dev-ops best practice to build management, monitor and alert platforms
    • Troubleshoot problems and troubles in production environments (some on-calls)
    • Optimize deployment pipeline
    • Documentation


    • Strong knowledge in AWS or equivalent platforms (GCP, Alibaba Cloud, etc.)
    • Familiar with Linux/Unix OS and Git
    • Familiar with at least one backend language (Python/Go/Node/PHP)
    • Strong interest in distributed system and understand latest practice in web app
    • Deliver fast and iterate fast
    • Great English reading and writing and good English speaking in tech domain
    • BS/MS degree in Computer Science or related majors

    Meitu is a global innovator in mobile video and photography apps, including proprietary facial recognition and virtual makeup try-on technologies. Since launching in 2008, Meitu has built a suite of apps including Meitu, Meipai, SelfieCity, BeautyCam, BeautyPlus, AirBrush and MakeupPlus that are installed on more than 1.1 billion unique devices. On December 15th, 2016, Meitu (SEHK:1357) went public on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Today, Meitu is focused on leveraging its technology leadership and global user base to build a mobile beauty ecosystem where users can discover, experiment, create and share new looks - right from their smartphones.

    2 条回复    2017-12-25 14:29:45 +08:00
       2017-12-24 17:44:01 +08:00 via Android
       2017-12-25 14:29:45 +08:00
    @rrfeng 国内的优先深圳。和海外团队都是远程协作。
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