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上海职位(张江软件园)-某日资创意中心- Creative Technologist-2-3 年经验

  •   lindalinhunter · 2017-09-27 10:30:53 +08:00 · 1087 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2566 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    上海职位(张江软件园)-某日资创意中心- Creative Technologist-2-3 年经验

    Job Title: Creative Technologies


    Your responsibilities (Job scope)

    Creative Technologist is a developer who understands the creative process and the world of multimedia. The job responsible for actually making and coding. This person is able to build web projects, user interactive prototypes, even AR/VR or projection mapping and other digital experiences.

    We need people who are nimble.
    We need people who are very experimental.
    We need people who are tinkerers.
    We need people who are comfortable learning a new computer language.

    • translate wireframes, user stories, and design templates into that are simple, beautiful, and different.
    • Write standards-compliant code including testing/debugging in multiple browsers and platforms
    • Expert knowledge of user experience best practices and ability to implement solutions based on unique needs of specific users
    • Work closely with design teams to translate visual concepts into interactive projects
    • It would also be great if you had knowledge of a few back-end systems
    • Create mock-ups, prototypes and wireframes with visual layout tools such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop is a big plus

    Your Profile

    • At least 2 years ’ experience.
    • Masters / Bachelor ’ s degree in Digital Multimedia/Computer Science/ or others
    • Write front-end code (including HTML, CSS and JavaScript) using current standards for cross-platform and cross-browser compatibility
    • Any experience on the following creative software or engines is a big plus:
    Processing, OpenFrameworks,Cinder, Unity,MaxMsp
    • Any experience on the following projectors/technology has advantage:
    IOT, openCV, Projection Mapping, VR/AR
    • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
    o English is must
    o Japanese - – Advantage

    If you are qualified for this role, please reach me for more detailed information at [email protected].
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