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有遇到过 autojump 内存泄露的吗?在虚拟机出现的,并且有共享目录,可能是这个原因,但具体还需要深究.

  •   jamiesun ·
    jamiesun · 2014-05-01 18:22:51 +08:00 · 2243 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3720 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    ➤ ps aux | grep autojump
    root 3992 5.4 0.0 180840 468 pts/1 DN 18:16 0:08 python /root/.autojump/bin/autojump -a /root
    root 4060 5.4 0.0 180840 476 pts/1 RN 18:16 0:08 python /root/.autojump/bin/autojump -a /root
    root 4063 5.4 0.0 180840 512 pts/1 RN 18:16 0:08 python /root/.autojump/bin/autojump -a /root
    root 4087 5.4 0.0 180840 508 pts/1 RN 18:17 0:07 python /root/.autojump/bin/autojump -a /root
    root 4090 5.4 0.0 180840 512 pts/1 RN 18:17 0:07 python /root/.autojump/bin/autojump -a /root
    root 4126 5.5 0.0 180840 496 pts/1 RN 18:17 0:06 python /root/.autojump/bin/autojump -a /root
    root 4131 5.6 0.0 180840 600 pts/1 RN 18:17 0:06 python /root/.autojump/bin/autojump -a /root
    root 4245 5.4 0.0 114024 1000 pts/1 RN 18:18 0:01 python /root/.autojump/bin/autojump -a /root
    root 4248 5.4 0.0 114028 1020 pts/1 RN 18:18 0:01 python /root/.autojump/bin/autojump -a /root
    root 4283 5.2 0.0 16084 896 pts/1 RN 18:19 0:00 python /root/.autojump/bin/autojump -a /root
    root 4286 5.1 0.0 16084 912 pts/1 RN 18:19 0:00 python /root/.autojump/bin/autojump -a /root
    root 4302 4.8 0.0 15824 1188 pts/1 RN 18:19 0:00 python /root/.autojump/bin/autojump -a /root
    root 4305 5.6 0.0 15828 1160 pts/1 RN 18:19 0:00 python /root/.autojump/bin/autojump -a /root
    root 4321 0.0 0.0 14968 972 pts/1 RN 18:19 0:00 python /root/.autojump/bin/autojump -a /root
    root 4324 0.0 0.0 14968 928 pts/1 RN 18:19 0:00 python /root/.autojump/bin/autojump -a /root
    root 4326 0.0 0.0 103256 700 pts/1 S+ 18:19 0:00 grep autojump
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