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ACM MM24 多媒体无人机定位 Workshop +挑战赛

  •   layumi · 148 天前 · 396 次点击
    这是一个创建于 148 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    🚀 Announcing the 2nd Workshop: "UAVs in Multimedia — A Fresh Perspective on the World" 🚁 at #ACMMM2024! 🎉 Join us to showcase your groundbreaking ideas and aerial insights!

    🌐 Workshop Link: https://www.zdzheng.xyz/ACMMM2024Workshop-UAV/

    📝 Call for Papers 📝 Drone enthusiasts, gear up! We're looking for cutting-edge research on:

    🎥 Video-Guided UAV Navigation 🤖 Swarm Coordination Dynamics 🔎 Object Detection & Tracking from Above 🗺️ Sensing & Mapping with Drones 🛵 Drone Delivery & Logistics Innovations Timeline:

    📋 Paper Submissions: July 5, 2024 📣 Acceptance Notifications: July 30, 2024 🏆 Challenge Alert 🏆 Ready to put your skills to the test? Dive into our University160k-WX Dataset—your gateway to multi-weather geo-localization showdown!

    🚀 Challenge Hub: https://codalab.lisn.upsaclay.fr/competitions/18770

    Don't miss this chance to soar high in the world of multimedia drone tech! Clear skies await your genius. 🌩️

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